Wednesday 28 January 2015

Hi all!
Been so busy lately I haven't had much time to myself :(
This week I've been wearing my hair like this, one of the easiest updo's ever!

5 things I've done in January:
1. I've worn makeup about 3-4 times as I had really sore red eyes at the start of the month :(
2. I've drank very little alcohol as I've finally realised I'd rather have more money and less headaches! lol
3. Bought so many shoes I literally don't have anywhere to put them! Or time to wear them haha
4. Rekindled my love for STEPS! They were my fave band ever!
5. Bought things from ASOS twice - which was very hard for me to not buy any more! I'm an asosaholic! (If that's a thing) hehe

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